Your April Content Calendar Guide by CC Plus

By Norhan Osama

April 02, 2023

Planning your April content ideas? Don’t look too far, we’ve got you covered!

Ideas for content creation are endless, we’ve narrowed down a few. 

The most important aspect of inbound marketing is creating content. By creating content, you give your audience free and useful information, invite new customers to your website, and keep customers through engagement.

In Public Relations, content creation and content marketing are just as important. Through sharing relevant content for target audiences, PR professionals build credibility, trust, and influence for clients seeking to brand themselves among the general public. 

As one of the top 10 PR agencies, content creation is part of our daily operations in telling the narratives of our clients. Creating content calendars provides an organized and structured strategy for optimal PR execution. Let’s look into the best ideas and pitch angles for your April content calendar.

How to create a Content Calendar

First things first, let’s briefly discuss how you start when creating a content calendar. 

When posting you’ll want to post engaging social media posts and relevant content to your followers or targeted audience on your platforms. 

International Days 

International days make great content, however, make sure to pick the days or events that are popular with your target audience, think about what your ideal customer might be interested in that isn’t covered by your usual content categories, and put yourself in their shoes. 

When checking for international days every month, make sure they’re celebrated in the countries where you operate and advertise. Your public should be somewhat familiar with what you sharing. 

As a PR agency in Egypt, we work closely with many local clients, so we make sure to create content plans that are relevant to them and their audiences. 

Clients rely on PR professionals to construct their image among the public. Meaning that PR agencies will manage and build their reputation during times of crisis as well. Content creation becomes crucial in reputation management as well as crisis management.


Another engaging idea for your content calendar quotes. Sharing quotes from people you work with, employees, product reviews, and company testimonials is a great way to engage your audience and increase credibility. 

Quotes are a great way to start a conversation with your audience and build your brand reputation through words you believe in. Additionally, you create commonality with your audience when you spread messages they also believe in and agree with. 

Press Articles

Occasionally, great content ideas can happen through collaborations with media outlets. In PR, press releases and the media we deal with is part of our strategic planning when drafting PR campaign and content plans. 

Scheduling features or articles in local or international media creates added brand integrity. Some of our past monthly content plans included featuring clients during publications on international celebrations such as Women’s Day. 


One of the best ways to add value through your content is by sharing knowledge! Viewers find it extremely beneficial when they have access to free helpful and interesting tips. 

As part of your April content calendar ideas, including a list of tips to share through images, videos, and blog posts builds notable customer communications and engagement. When writing those, make sure you’re using keywords relevant to your industry and customers as well as hashtags on online platforms that’ll boost your viewership, reach, and visibility. 

Now that we’ve mentioned how to create your content calendar let’s dive into some specifics like what international days could you post about in April.

April Content Ideas

We’ve gathered your content categories for the month, it’s time to look at what exactly you could be sharing as part of your PR content strategy for April. 

International Days for April

April Fools 

A little humor goes a long way! This anticipated international day is a great way to humor your audience through brand pranks. 

Examples of April fools content ideas could involve announcing a surprising new product or service, sharing a false fact about your business, or announcing a redesign of your logo as a brand prank. 

Hashtags to use: #aprilfools #prank #trendingprank #aprilfoolsday

Festival Season

April is known for its spring festivities. Be on the lookout for local events which you could take advantage of by participating in or sharing about. 

For instance, with Coachella happening in April, you could create a Coachella-themed workday!

Hashtags to use: #festival #coachella2023 #april #aprilfestivals 

Earth Day

April is known to be the month dedicated to eco-friendly initiatives which makes it a great month to share about your environmental support and endeavors. Earth Day, which takes place on April 22nd is a great opportunity to create engaging PR and social media content. 

You could encourage your users to go green by purchasing your products or sharing eco-friendly lifestyle tips. 

Hashtags to use: #EarthDay #gogreen #ecofriendlybusiness 

Religious Festivities

With Ramadan and Easter both happening in April, this month is a great way to engage with your followers and customers to celebrate these holidays or any other local festivities.

Wishing your customers a Happy Eid, or Happy Easter through a quote, tip or video message builds stronger relationships with your consumers. 

Hashtags to use: #eid2023 #easter2023 #happyeid #eidmubarak #happyeaster 

In short, planning out your content strategy is crucial when creating your brand narrative and reputation. Planning your content calendar is crucial in leading organized and consistent platforms for your brand. Some content ideas such as engaging on international days, sharing insightful quotes, tips, and collaborating with the media or other partners are effective methods for building tighter customer relationships. 

Looking at the month of April, many events can fill your content calendar such as April Fools, Earth Day, Festivals, and Religious celebrations. Finding the most relatable of those days allows you to post relevant content to your customers making you a socially engaged brand and increasing your authenticity. 

As a PR agency driven by our slogan “Enabling PR”, following these steps allows us to establish meaningful and lifelong client relationships as well as relations with the general public and the media. 

Article SM: April is upon us and with the numerous events taking place, we’ve compiled a guide to help you plan and create this month’s content calendar. 

Go to the link in our bio to learn more and start creating!

#contentcreation #aprilcontent #contentcalendar #PRplanning